Wellness Services
Dry Needling
Dry needling is a technique to reduce painful trigger points in muscles. Dry needling is not acupuncture, even though the same needles are used. This technique can be very effective when used in conjunction with other measures to treat chronic pain or acute pain. Dr. Liz Neuman is trained in dry needling muscles throughout the entire body including the pelvic floor.
If you have found other treatments do not resolve you pain, then it might be time to try dry needling!
Visceral Mobilization
Dr. Kate Uttech is trained in visceral mobilization to treat fascial restrictions that inhibit muscular, skeletal, and organ movement within the body. These techniques can be very helpful when nothing else seems to be helping.
We help people with diastasis recti, digestive symptoms, scar tissue due to previous injuries or surgery, and those who cannot find someone who understands or can find the root cause of their symptoms.
Maintenance Session
Sometimes clients with chronic pain conditions require occasional maintenance sessions. These treatment sessions are not associated with a typical plan of care and are not expected to resolve symptoms so that treatment can end. Instead, the goal of maintenance sessions is to maintain symptoms under control. These sessions can include manual therapy, updates to exercise programs, visceral mobilization, dry needling, or any other treatments previously determined to be helpful in managing the symptoms in question.
We help people who feel good, but are not seeing the strength and fitness goals they want to achieve.
We help pregnant people who want to exercise, but do not know how to do so safely.
We help people who want to return to running (or lifting) after pregnancy, after injury, or after a break due to life.
We help people become healthier and stronger!
We help people who feel good, but are not seeing the strength and fitness goals they want to achieve.
We help pregnant people who want to exercise, but do not know how to do so safely.
We help people who want to return to running (or lifting) after pregnancy, after injury, or after a break due to life.
We help people become healthier and stronger!
We help people taking care of themselves while take care of their babies.
Pregnancy, labor, and delivery takes a toll on your body, and while you recover yourself you also have a new baby to care for and love. Feeding positions, lifting, carrying, and holding baby can cause pain, especially on a healing body.
We help you start out right with good habits from the beginning.